Parents Threatened that Children will be Taken for School Lunch Debt

A Pennsylvania school district sent out letters to parents threatening that their children would be taken from them if they didn’t pay their school lunch debt.

In one letter, obtained by NBC affiliate WBRE and shared on social media, parents are told their child owes $75.25 for lunches and if they do not pay up, they could be reported to Luzerne County dependency court.

Luzerne County Children and Youth Services Executive Director Joanne Van Saun told WBRE that the letter disturbed her. She said the agency does not take children because of school lunch debt. The county government mailed a letter to the district, calling on the school system to retract the threats sent to parents, according to WBRE.



Photo: “20130308-FNS-LSC-0384” by U.S. Department of Agriculture is in the Public Domain